Airborne Motocross - Fly with your dirt bike
3 years ago

Occasionally my game does something unexpected. Like that windy bridge helping my bike out :D



Next up

After two years of hard work it's finally done and available on Google Play (Pc & Switch versions are in the making).


Wish me luck :-)

Those icicles are like: YOU SHALL NOT PASS !!!

I just realised I forgot to post this on the game page, sorry.

It's a little vid showing how this game is made.

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1225790/

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

My game has finally made it to the SWITCH, yay!!!!!


Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

Folks used to say that there was something in the clouds that made the trees grow tall.

Looking for nice decoration items. Any suggestions?

https://airborne.kamgam.com/ #gamedev #indie #indiedev

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

Wanna play hide and seek?