Arcade Revival

3 years ago

Ok, maybe I underestimated the power of technical school-

That out of the way


It happened again, there are no updates and no game

Well It's not like i got no time-

Next update is unspecified, and I don't know when will it come out, but for sure it will occur in November



Next up

Arcade Revival Official Timeline


#dailyAcrl 2

Did I just predict the future?


Bros smooth with it

Just got the new one, let's hope it works properly




Me and my friend are creating an fnf mod

I'm doing the music

He's doing the programming

More details later on my channel


Today on #dailyAcrl I got some The_Arcade lore for you:

In the AR we play as Quill - Nell's alternative spirit, and we discover the lands of Distorted Cementery. There's nothing else in the world. All roads lead to Blacklight and you can't save anyone now

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)