5 years ago

optimized the game, my editor now reaches 100fps(50fps before)
Currently i am working on weather selection and newer props.



Next up

Update 0.2.5

Added a Gameplay Modifier, Map changes and Fixed several Bugs

Random ass moments | FH5

Pixel DMC DeLorean

UI Overhaul

Rounded Corners and added colors to Buttons, sliders and spin boxes.

Which one do you like. Colorful, purple or indigo?

Last pic is the old UI

What gaming chair does this dude have??

Changing the prop mechanics to accomodate the size of the object by using temporary capsule.

Its a bit hard since not all objects are round, and that the character sometimes falls through the floor.

Edit: Found a solution

Some screenshots from the untitled game

Hunting/eating behaviour of some animals in the game

PropHunt now available for Linux. YAY! ヽ〳 ՞ ᗜ ՞ 〵ง Major thanks to @UberPolice for Requesting & Testing.

Lowtiergod's meme @Victoree edition

Saw this katia meme and thought it fits victoree's loving and caring nature very well