here jhosep with a new dev-log and more things, so let's start
Some new members in the game
after the last post some people joined to the game and that people are:
@Sumsume_23 , she is the new 2D artist in the game.
Here some of his art (go to support his game "Happy Nights"):
a guy who joined only for a time was @nachosonicxd
he was a 3D modelelr (props)
he is not in the proyect cause he don't want to be relationed with things of fnaf or similars like fangames (fazbear gameverse).
this is the only one iamge of one props that he made, yeah, very bad
About the demo
we start the demo of 1 night and is made in clickteam and @XeLiT00is helping me in somethings of the code
here some images of the demo
(image of ryan caleb)
well here the end of the dev-log
i think it's all..... or not?
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