Aran's and Toto's Christmas Horrors
2 months ago

Patch v1.1

1. fixed a bug that when Toto is in front of the player and the power goes out in the first hour (12:58), the distortion sound didn't stop.

2. The animatronics will now take a little while to kill you, so there won't be so many instant deaths.

3. Aran in the third (3:00) hour takes a while to kill you if you hide, so you have time to avoid larry if he appears when aran is there.

4. The same with ferd if in the second hour(2:00) charlotte is there and ferd is there too ferd will take a while to kill you if you hide, giving you enough time to avoid charlotte first.

That's all for now, I'm sorry that because of the instant deaths I didn't give you a good experience, but I hope that with these problems solved you can enjoy the game, if you have any problem or find any other bug, let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible



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