1 year ago

Peekaboo! •ᴧ•



Next up

Testing a newer version of Krita that had a bunch of bugfixes for transform mask keyframe animation. So far so good; didn't have a single crash, and even layered transforms! I had pretty much given up on keyframes before.

Blobcat blobcat blobcat.

I'm still a Blender newbie, so I'm sure there was a better and more efficient way of making this one material, but hey, I made it all by myself, so... I'm proud.

But wow is it ever confusing to look at... My organizing skills could use some work...

I don't think you have enough flurf in your feed today. I've got you, fam.

: Krita

Welp, I'm no #renaissance master. If this were a commission from Mojang or something, I could spend the extra time fixing/cleaning up, but I hope y'all get a chuckle out of it.

I call it: Renaissance Minecraft With Obligatory Drapery

: Clip Studio Paint

I'm a little disappointed I couldn't fit in more spoon study paintings last month, but here's a process video for the three that I managed.

: Clip Studio Paint : Coffee Lofi by Keyframe Audio


Well, I tried... Is it everything you were hoping for, @ManutkArt ?

: Clip Studio Paint

In response to this art challenge: https://gamejolt.com/p/rando-art-challenge-transform-this-piece-…

My niece gifted me the full version of Loddlenaut! So sweet!

Cleaning up some microplastics. Very satisfying.

: Krita

Submission for Fan Art Friday 7/5/2024. Theme chosen: Fanart of Indie Videogames.

Based on Loddlenaut!

: Clip Studio Paint

This is just a screencap from the material view, so it'll look quite a bit different later (especially after I crunch it down a ton in file size).