something very unexpected did happen… 😞
my extern pc storage driver just stopped working… the driver contained all my game files and assets… so i cant release new updates for my games 😖
im about to recreate all my games from scratch…
i will release the first v0.0.1 of One night in the cellar sometime soon… make sure to stay on track so you don’t miss the new start of ONitC…
PS: a friends is trying to revert my driver so i can get back my games. if this will happen i will Release my new version im currently working on as REMASTERED version.
Updates in my Community
i turned the last existing version of the game online for all to just enjoy the last sparkle of the game 😞
and never NEVER unplug your external drivers without unloading them on your windows👍
starting to recreate my games will take a lot of hard work, time and Money… if you really enjoy my games and my stuff and you have some money, you can donate some if you want… this whould REALLY REALLY support me 🙂