Hi guys!
Recently I’ve been thinking to myself:
“You know, people who go to the UPPERTALE page are probably going to download UPDATE 2 thinking it’s the final game, which is bad since they might start getting all butthurt about it being weird or short or something, and give the game a bad reputation which will never go away even when I finally finish it.”
Which made me realize that maybe UPPERTALE shouldn’t be out right now, since the game is changing. However, I don’t want to have to take the game down again, that was really annoying last time.
So therefore I thought that maybe I should release a new demo… tomorrow?
It wouldn’t be much, maybe 10-20 minutes, and for most of you it would be stuff you’ve already seen before, just slightly different.
This would be great for people who never played the game, though. They would get a taste of what is to come rather than an old version. And besides, there is some new stuff that some of you might be interested in trying out, like the new ‘battles’ with Froggit and Whimsun where you can talk to them without fighting, some slight changes to the overworld, and a new intro.
Plus I’ve added a few more secrets in the game, perhaps you’d like to go try and find them!
So what do you think?
Should I release a demo?
Or should I just take down the game and work on the new version?
Personally I think the demo is the best choice, but I really want to hear from you!
Thanks guys!