Post-Shift 2
5 years ago

Proper Update Thing kinda (#1)

Proper update time (kind of)

27/11/2019 (November 27th, 2019)

Since I've mainly been using the devlog here as some kind of cryptic teaser message-board thing, I wanted to share what is going on with the game's development itself for once. The teaser as of today will be the last random/cryptic thing from now on. Just so I can commnuicate properly for once. But I hope it's been somewhat interesting haa.

Being that I'm not rushing as much as I usually do, I'm still working on character models and environments rather than just immediately jumping straight into things. And generally just trying to think about how things will look/play a bit more.

Initially I was thinking there was only going to be 5 odd characters, but now I've been modelling way more than what I initially had in mind. And I'm not nearly close to done with everyone yet aha.

(also forgot to add, I've been working on a lot of the music/tracks as well, which most of them are currently on the game's soundtrack section)

Release Schedule (+other things)?

If you haven't, I strongly urge people to read through the game page description to understand the method of which I'm planning to release this game. It won't have a planned date or anything like that, just so I don't burnout or stress out too much. I've also specified what platforms I intend to release the game on (PC only). Please note that I'll (myself personally) never be making android ports of my fangames, I really don't intend on buying the kit to do so.

Also quick note: I don't intend for this fangame to be an absolute top-of-the-range experience. But more as a project made for fun and for the heck of it (and because I promised I'd create this game multiple times). Being just one avid and amateur fangame developer, I can't promise a super-cool amazing experience. I do hope that this game will be somewhat enjoyable though (whenever the time comes).

Well that's it. Don't wanna ramble on too much. But hopefully this will shed some light on things.


Still modelling characters mainly (atm), game still has a long way to go currently. The game is PC only. Game will be like my usual stuffs in someways. blahdahblah .ect

Edit: Hope ya'll having a good day btw! And thanks for the support so far! :) Appreciate ya!



Next up


Nightmare Baldi (yes)

Update Log (June 7th, 20)

Thanks 2k!

Sequence/Teaser Archive

The New Year

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

Successful landing


Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore