Five Nights at Mike's: Legacy Collection
10 months ago

Quick Update


As you may have noticed, I didn't make a November devlog or have yet to make a December one. The reason for that is because I haven't been working on the collection. I have reasons I haven't worked on the collection, but they are very personal, and I don't want to get into it. One reason I can get into is, and tell me if you've heard this before, lack of motivation.

I know exactly why I lack motivation, and it is the same reason why all of my other projects have fallen dead in the water: I need a clear plan. That is why I am starting from scratch, but this time, I am planning everything out before I start fully developing the collection. This also means the game page will be completely overhauled.

TLDR: The game is not canceled; I just haven't been able to work on it due to a lack of motivation and personal stuff. However, it is being completely overhauled.

Thank you for being patient as I continue to figure out this whole game development thing.

  • Cyper

P.S. Here are some screenshots of the now-old build being developed




Next up

October 2023 - Devlog

It's the New Year, which means its Mike's birthday!


just checking in

Say hello to Five Nights at Mike's: Legacy Collection.

Doraemon Animatronic

2024 has been a chaotic year so far. It hasn't been bad; it's just been crazy. The game is not dead; it is on pause while I deal with irl stuff. I apologize for not updating all of you on the game, and I hope to get back to work on it soon.

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

Sorry for the lack of updates, development has been a bit slow, but here's a teaser for the main menu.