A Golden Past - Chapter 1: Grand Reopening

10 months ago

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

Welp, you're absolutely reading that right. The game series is getting rewritten/redone entirely. I always felt bad cancelling the series at chapter 3 due to drama and lack of writing/experience. However, I want that to change, I, @William_Fazworth , and MANY others have come together to reboot the series. Something to work with, something we can enjoy.

NOW, will this game come out anytime soon? Not at all, in fact I wanna start taking time with my larger projects. I want this game to build up what I learned throughout the years. This is the first of a few LARGE projects I'm doing (so it's not just this series.), those will be revealed later on in their own time.

I've been enjoying working on these and always wanted to improve myself. I still have a lot of FNAF fangames, but I wanna retain my love for the FNAF franchise and make what I wanna make or wanna do. (even if some don't make it, they still have special places). I do have a retirement announcement in the future. It will NOT be anytime soon, so I will not go into details following it. However, once I am done with the FNAF fangames I enjoy doing with my team and the franchise I love, I will be proceeding to do stuff in my life outside of game dev. I'll save that for another post when we get to that point, that'll be YEARS from now. I still have a lot of fangames I wanna do and ones I'm really proud of.

We're gonna be taking our time on this, and if it wasn't obvious from the thumbnail this is one of the large projects of mine coming soon. Please be patient, we all wanna work at our own pace. <3

There will be other game reveals over time, you'll get in-depth stuff about those some other time. Trust me! ;)

Note as well: There's a LOT of "[OUTDATED]" stuff on the page, over time those will be changed or even removed entirely. This page while public is still technically early so over time there will be changes as more and more gets developed.

WE'RE ALSO NEAR 10,000 PAGE FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all so very much, you all mean a lot to me. <3




Next up

The title screen is now coded! That doesn't mean the game is almost done, no no it's far from being done and I'm seeing next year. However, this is good progress by the talented @GhostGamesX (huge thanks to you bro)

Hope y'all enjoy it! :)

SCOTT IS ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(another test so not final lmao)

Here's 3 posters (NOT ALL, only showing one of each character), it's a small update but it's something for now. :P

Arts by @Inky_Bun


Did a test render with the endo made by @Leeeeee

I won't say what it's for yet, that'll get a reveal later on by a teaser.

Rat Race Production Update

Mayhaps? Idk lmao

One big happy family!!!

(I'm bored and waiting on stuffs, but in the meantime have this amazing awesome, spectacular even test render woooOOO)

Better look of image here:…

I'm too lazy to retype, but TLDR; I'm taking a break from development till I get back to South Carolina (in April or May). I'ma try to finish model commissions in the meantime to get stuff off my back. Till next time :P