The Horde: Revitalized

2 months ago

Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.

Questionnaire can be found here.

There's likely still bugs and balancing changes that need to be made, but I figured people would want to play the still in-progress update and judge for themselves if there needs to be more tweaks to the game, as I've had trouble finding beta-testers for the update. Merry Christmas, and happy new years!

Also there's new lighting effects in some of the levels that I've been experimenting with, so the questionnaire also is a great way to give feedback on these experimental features.

Current changelog:

Fixed bugs/soft locking issues. Can no longer get achievements on easy difficulty.

Rebalanced Hard difficulty in an attempt to be more engaging. (Main night and basement levels have introduced newer threats for a particular level at higher aggression, to make each level more distinct to play.)

Rebalanced easy and normal modes for more manageable difficulty throughout the ‘campaign’.

Added grind mode to the settings menu; so when you die with this setting active, the level will simply restart instead of sending you to the game over screen. 

Added a radar cheat to settings, so you’ll see where characters are and specific counters for specific characters. Disables certain achievements from being able to be pinged when this setting is active. 

Extended the final cutscene slightly, so this game has a better sense of closure. I was going to add bonus levels to expand the lore earlier on, but every one of those concepts have been completely cancelled. 

Fixed issue with Slaughter Bob graphics being visible outside of the arcade machine in the N2 minigame level. 

Changed the back office vent cam click button to be more clearly interactable.

Added functionality for n3 post office where the cam flash will stun Rick for an extra 5 seconds on top of setting his move timer to its maximum value. 

Added warning signs for the springlock suits within the cameras in the back office levels.

Added v-sync option in settings, potentially reduces lag when window is maximised. 

Removed heating and cooling mechanics from n1 main level.

Slowed down heating in n2 main, to make the level less overwhelming. 

Relegated the intro cutscene to a button in the main menu, to make this cutscene completely ignorable; as the lore within the cutscene is rather unnecessary. I was going to remove the cutscene entirely for redundancy, but I worried some people liked this particular cutscene. 

Added a varying delay to animatronic movements at the beginning of every level. Delay time depends on specific levels.

Made the main night radar mechanic slightly better, doesn’t instantly turn invisible mid-animation when the player turns around.

Turned down radar lens flare transparency slightly in the main night level at the radar area. 

Guilt/Mask Dude is now more transparent when in your face. 

Various tweaks and hotfixes/adjustments have been made throughout the game for quality of life.

The journal progress will no longer be reset when changing difficulty.

Added a mouse icon over some menu ui elements. (Journal icon)

Changed the arcade tracker from yellow to green, and vice versa for better color indication. (N2 Arcade Level)

Changed beginning level delay to be shorter on hard/hardcore difficulty.

Rebalanced the individual room cooldowns. (Main Night Levels)

Gave an indicator when Rick is 5 seconds from moving. (Back office N3)

Made Gremm slightly more lenient; in that now messing up his mechanic once doesn’t instantly half his current reaction timer value. Still messing up twice in a row instantly sets his reaction timer to 0.

Added an egg in the n3 basement… 

Added an egg in the n5 main final elevator sequence, explaining how the flashlight works in-universe (da lore!). 

Removed the fan buttons throughout N1 (Main Night and Back Office).
Fixed a long running issue where for a few frames before his cursor chase attack; Metal Maskman will be visible in the center of the screen. 

Reworked Metal Maskman’s cursor chase attack throughout all levels where present (slightly), for better consistency between the 3 levels this attack is present. Even implemented a stall to every other character while cursor chase attack is active (N4 Main).

Added a feature where you can see a door’s overheat level by hovering your cursor over the door’s corresponding fan button (N4 Back Office).

Changed the back office camera feeds outside of the office entrances to have text that reads “cam feed disabled” instead of “error cam out” for less confusion. 

Slightly reworked passive area heating to be tied to difficulty, for a more challenging experience in hard mode/easier experience in easy mode. 

Fixed a visual bug with Lucifus when he's in the right hall corner camera.

Rebalanced some difficulty settings, for a smoother experience.

Added two new tracks for N4 Main and Back Office levels. Can be heard on easy difficulty.

Fixed an issue with N5 where some difficulty settings weren't being applied properly.

Made N5 suspense audio start fading in after 5am instead of progressively fading in throughout the level.

Added a visual indicator for the shock collar recharge time in N5. Appears when hovering over a shock collar switch when recharging (red), corresponds to that switch.

Added a small sound indicator for when Final Guilt is on one of the two screens to the side of the office. (N4 Back Office)

Made the sound of the elevator ding sound in cutscenes quieter. 

Added a cutscene skipper feature, allowing players to have cutscenes automatically skipped for them.

Attempted to implement some potential fixes for a few animations “looping” when not supposed to. (Primarily where gameplay is impacted.)

Improved some lighting effects in certain spots of the game for slightly more dynamic lighting. 

Implemented a change to where enabling the radar will prevent players from gaining the hard and hardcore achievements until the player changes their difficulty. 

Added a hints system within most levels, where you can now pull up a couple of journal-page-like graphics with the press of an on-screen button. These graphics give you text-based in-universe hints as to how specific mechanics work. You can also disable this entire feature within the settings menu, and the journal menu still gives more in-depth visual information. I hope the hints system helps players learn how to better play and understand the game, and potentially finish the main game on at least easy difficulty. 

And many other smaller changes. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please let me know as usual.



Next up

Hollup, perhaps cookin'. Wait and see. Something might happen...

Some preview screenshots of how the hints system will LIKELY look in game. There's also a setting to disable the hints entirely, but they'll be enabled on a fresh save. (Or if the save-data Difficulty parameter is 0, which is the same as a fresh save.)

Average The Horde: Revitalized player...


Lefunni Chompling Memes (I made these in 30 minutes, from random effects in Paint Net)

Rat Race Production Update

Here's another one of the tip pages, to show that I'm not ded lmao:

Progress... Visual effects, some camera effect reworks, lighting tweaks, and Springlock Lucifus jumpscare implemented. New jumpscare sounds for Prototypes (basement), as well as Maskman and Metal Maskman.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Rick Ballin'