Can you believe it guys? FNaTAS 5 UE V2.0, just a week away. FNaTAS 5 UE V2.0 is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. FNaTAS 5 UE V2.0! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? FNaTAS 5 UE V2.0! Just in a week! It got here so fast! FNaTAS 5 UE V2.0! Just a week away!
ok dead memes aside, I know you're probably thinking "BUT KAIDARUS WASN'T THE GAME DONE??????? GRRRRRRR I WANT IT NOW"
And yeah it is. Hooooooowever, I do think the game could use some balancing here and there. The main nights are fine in terms of difficulty, but the Custom Night could use some work.
In max mode for example, there are times where everyone will just gang up on you, and you simply don't have enough time to fend all of them off, and you'll get jumpscared unfairly. Not only that, but some of the modifiers / challenges might need a few balancing here and there. All of them are beatable in their current state however they could be made more fun.
Bugs and glitches-wise I believe the game is fine too. Betatesting was already done, and only 3 were found in total, with only one of them being major. They have all been fixed now, so I don't think it'll be much of a concern.
Believe it or not throughout the entirety of development I played the game from start to finish around 8 times (PAIN) so I can hopefully guarantee you won't find many.
So yeah, this final week is gonna be spent balancing the custom night.
A week will be more than enough time to do it, but I don't wanna risk things.
In case you have a different timezone, 5 PM is the hour I'm posting this in.
Hope you're excited! (I certainly am because I'll finally get rid of 1.0's download lmaooooo)
Btw, if anyone would like to answer, out of everything that I've shown, what's the thing that you're looking forward to the most in the game, if anything?
I'm curious to see what everyone's expectations are...