3 years ago

RTX Graphics In PowerPoint But It's Even Running In PPT's Edit Mode: Official JadeJohnson Games Behind The Scenes (BTS) Clip

We've got a whole new generation of games with full-, or sometimes-near-full-, -3D graphics, on the way!

This graphics-engine is powered solely by a special 3D-model-engine of ours, which we've officially-dubbed, "The JadeJohnson Games Snowglobe Stage Engine™"! It vertically-splits a snowglobe-shaped model in-half, across its X-axis, rendering both halves as separate models. We then apply a texture to each side, and export the model as a single file without grouping its two halves together.

The reason that we divide the stage-model into two pieces, is so that we can add more details, such as the sun in the sky, or any other object that should only appear on one side of the three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of the playfield.

"Why a snowglobe?", you may inquire.

"The Snowglobe Stage Engine consists of a hollowed-out-sphere, which is then split in half across its X-axis on a ninety-degree-rotated-plane; and which finally has a solidly-filled rectangular prism spanning the hemisphere's total length and width, but only one eighth of its height, embedded through its very base, from flush with the bottom-edge of the hemisphere upwards.

In other words, it's more of a "Snow-Dome" than a traditional "Snow-globe", but we just wanted to use a term with which nearly-everyone was familiar.

The result of this design-scheme, when both the height and width of this object are increased to match the larger dimension of the slide's aspect-ratio in PowerPoint; and once the Z-Position of the Camera-Position setting is fidgeted with until it accepts a zero, and the Field-Of-View value changed to ninety degrees; is a perfectly-centered-view of the inside of the snowglobe-stage-model, which can be panned about with the 3D-rotation-handle at the center of the model's bounding-box!

We plan to use this cool engine we built to make an awesome new first-person sequel to "Giga Street Fighter II: The Final Round", which we're calling, "JadeOme™"!

More information shall come at a later date. Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"

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Maze Maker - Official JadeJohnson Games Gameplay Showcase

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 3

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 2

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

Look what just arrived in the mail today!

Proof that this is the real deal:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UArxpvOZV5M

Out with the old, In with the new!

If Harry Potter And Hermione Granger Were Gamer Muggles:

Made with HotShot AI GIF Generator.


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sitting together on a couch playing Super Mario Odyssey on a television.

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D

If Isabelle were human:

Made with Microsoft Copilot.