9 months ago

She didn't give me a chance to hide or rest from her :O



Next up

One OC character is done.. now the other one...

Yay..is my birthday.... Now I'm 18...huh..so fast....

Happy Eid al-Fitr to all Muslims

Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri kepada semua muslim


original image

: Aseprite

The game I played when I was a boy...it was the game "Little Fighter 2" this game was released in 1999...

It is a memory for me as a child


Whispy Woods

I thank @RubyCrystal for drawing my character...I really appreciate it

Original art:


And another one redraw my minus fnf oc...

thought abt these two at school


theyre like

different versions of me

I respect this guy..that what we call

"Pick on someone your own size!"