2 days ago

Shoutout Forever #15: @BOXZEE

Boxzee gives comforts to people and loves being supportive to them, Boxzee also does amazing fanarts with an incredible artstyle, everything she does is always amazing, every single plans that she have is worth it

A message for BOXZEE.

Keep going always well with your works and life, don't think bad, think always well, never give up and never stop being a positive person, you are always an amazing artist and person for every works you do, take always your time and some breaks whenever you want, wish you the best on your life, have happy days!

BOXZEE is always open to people if you don't feel good, he's always there for them to make people happy and comfortable

And BOXZEE is a new gamejolt creator (previous month), make sure to support her much by giving charged stickers, for now, she only have a sticker pack and one avatar frame, but still good for her shop!

Make sure to make her reach 3k followers, everything she does is always amazing here!

For you people, have an awesome spring month, stay angelic and respectful, y'all are always appreciated every days, wish you all the best and lots of lucks! <3

source: https://pin.it/2zub6kr7b

14 days left for spring

#irl #shoutout #support #artist #march #lgbtq #chat #chill #happy #smile #2025



Next up


There's many retro games that I love, so I might choose Sonic 2, i love so much this sequel, like the first one, i can't stop playing it in all these years, the adventure and zones are great like the first one, always the bestest sequel


It looks promising and awesome from the trailer, hope you all enjoy it and have lots of fun in it, let me know how great is this game, like The Knightling and Inayah, can't wait for the full release of these two great games

Howdy everyone, march is here, hope you all will have a beautiful experience and beautiful days on this spring month, hope you all liked february a lot and had an amazing valentines day with your family, remember to stay always safe and positive

I need to change place to live how fast I can so I openning commss If u want to know why exactly check my insta

My tat can be longer 

Here Is my tos (upfront payment bc of bad situation)


I will be gratefull for any help!

Happy Carnival Day to everyone!

Even though I don't celebrate carnival in all these years, like never celebrated it, but hey, hope you all will have this amazing day with your besties and family, have fun and enjoy it well, the same for others days!

~ I don't rlly like the end product aaaaaa-


( #PerfectCrootoxFanart )

Shoutout Forever #14: @not_not_bea

Talented and great artist who does great and well made fanarts, Bea is really good at drawing here on every works she do, and she has a great artstyle and puts lots of efforts on her fanarts!

Golden Feedback #4: @AnnDoesStuffs

Bestest FNaS artist on this site, every fanarts that she does are always esotic and masterpieces with an incredible artstyle, she's always very talented, positive and patient to peopls, she always deserves the world

passage of time


Still happy 10th anniversary to FNaF 3

Since I had nothing to do, did the whole game with aggressive mode, always moving him to Cam 09 and 10, i've finished it many times, but always enjoyable and never bores me, the same for FNaF World