6 months ago

Sketched this up in school and ended up making a whole (not currently canon) colony so ermmm

Here ya go

(Pictures of Hypnos, Somnus, and Narcissus

And also the park they live in hehe)


THIS IS NOT A CANON COLONY (for now at least idk I’ll need permission I think lol)


I literally cannot write help why ajsjwjajaaaarrghh


Hypnos, Chief of the Slumber Colony

Narcissus, Hypnos’ brother

Somnus, Hypnos’ clone

Morpheus and Icelus, Hypnos’ princes


The Slumber colony

The slumber colony is a rather isolated colony that lives in the glacier national park area of Massachusetts! They work very hard to keep it peaceful, and consist of social ranks, Chief being the highest and Squabbles (their word for common folk, or a dyno among the colony) being the lowest


Hypnos kicked a pebble as he walked down going-to-the-sun-road. He was rather unhappy about his recent arguement with his brother, who was beginning to act rather harshly towards him. He sighed, looking up to the sky, opening the wings that covered his face, yet paused halfway, staring at the face that was directly in front of him, Narcisuss.

“You’d best reconsider, brother. You know-“

“I know enough to know that what you’re suggesting is absolutely a bad decision. I’m not even going to consider it. Not for one second..”

“But Hypnos, my brother, if I offer our colony to the heaven colony imagine what we’ll accomplish! How powerful we’d become! Please at least consider it!” Narcissus pleaded with a slight growl in his tone. Hypnos shook his head.

“Brother, our colony was not formed to have power, we formed it to live in peace!” Hypnos’ tone became a bit more aggressive, as did his brothers. Narcissus scowled.

“Very well then, if talking won’t do the trick I guess I’ll have to overthrow you, huh?”

Hypnos’ eyes widened slightly, this couldn’t be true. His brother couldn’t possibly think he alone could overthrow him, he wasn’t this stupid! He squinted at Narcissus, but before he could even respond to such malarkey his brother lunged onto him, digging one talon on his neck and the other into his eye, ripping it out. Hypnos howled and kicked his brother away, fluttering his wings in front of his face to cover his eye, or better yet, lack of an eye.

Narcissus scrambled over to his brother and attempted to pounce once again, only to be whacked away and slammed into the side of the mountain. After a few moments of silence where only the brothers’ breathing could be heard.

“What the hell is going on with you!?” He screamed, clutching his face in pain. “You- you just tried to fucking kill me!!”

Narcissus stood with struggle, glaring at his brother. If eyes could kill, his would’ve killed about fifteen dynos with one blink. Hypnos breathing was extremely shaky as he stared at his brother in shock, as Narcissus walked over to him, grabbing his brother’s face with his talon and slamming it to the ground.

Hypnos grunted, still in a state of shock.

“You bastard, this whole colony will crumble if you continue to rule it” Narcissus hissed, walking over to where Hypnos lay.

Hypnos thoughts where racing- he didn’t want to fight his brother, he lived his brother as anyone would love family, but without thinking he clamped his teeth into his brother with such force he popped then and there.

He stared in shock. what have I done.. what have I done.. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!?? He laid there for almost a whole hour, until one of his children, Icelus, ran over to him with a little beanie in his grasp.

“Father, Umberlee and Eris had broken into Somnus’ nursery. We managed to stop them but we are unaware of where they have went..” He said before acknowledging the mess that his parent lay in.

“Ah- I see you faced trouble as well..”

Somnus was quietly crying when he forced himself out of his brother, Icelus’, arms and scurried over to his parent and hugged him tightly with his little limbs. Hypnos scooped him up and hugged him back, sobbing as well. Icelus took a step back as they hugged.

“I’m so glad you’re safe, my child.. I’m so glad..”

Morpheus walked over and stood beside Icelus and watched their parent and brother. Hypnos managed to give his princes a smile , pained but genuine.

“Thank you.”


What do ya think?? Sorry it’s a bit long, and probably not the best since I’m no writer and I wrote this in between classes lol

Came up with these characters randomly in English while doing work :3

The species Dynocation was created by @Dynocation , so go check her out I beg! She’s really cool >:3

Now I have a secret messages video to edit! Bye bye :3



Next up

Doodles from school

I’m already done with this place (it’s day two)

One week till birthday

I went to a festival with Boe today, got tons of cool stuff

These are the only things that I got that cost money!! The Ace-flag dragon’s name is Rat :3cPeople there where super cool and nice, someone called Boe and I pretty 😭

Hi all! I just joined, I’ll be glad to see everyone.

Keith meets Snalky! || (Mini-comic) gift for @LiamZERook (PART 1)




OMG 800!!!!!!!

THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH!!!! 😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶💜💜💜

Art-trade with @Fem_LokiGamerWolf || What i gave vs what i got !


I love these two

They’re so silly :3
