BunnyKid's Diner

7 months ago

Small Update: I changed the names for both gamepages. The fullgame is now called "BunnyKid's Diner" and the demo is called "BunnyKid's Diner (Legacy)"
It's not major but I do want to say why for this change.
(Read Article)

So why did I feel the need to change the gamepage names?

Well, there is a reason, the first being that the demo is so outdated to the current game with a completely different art style and design. Yeah, it has the same layout and concepts but comparing the two, they feel more of their own things rather than a "sneak peek of the full game" or "Build off the demo version." The second is that to me, it doesn't feel like a demo of the fullgame, the full game was rebuilt from the ground up after the "demo" was released so it was odd calling it a demo after that choice.

Tho, I understood that the demo/legacy was the first game that I ever made all by myself while I was still learning how to use Clickteam along the way, and the idea to rebuild the game from the ground up was after I published the "demo" so it makes sense. I will update the Legacy's gamepage description to clear that up.

Overall, the "demo" will now just be called legacy since it's own thing now in my eyes, if you still call it the demo I wouldn't mind since that is how it was intended to be called and still is called in-game which I will not update the game to change. I might make an actual demo of the full version but I'm not sure about that yet but only time will tell. That is all I want to say it's nothing major but I wanted to let everyone know about that.

Have a great day/night and I will see you all later :b



Next up

Making the Genesis' guardians, I wanted to be unique with them.

This is also a WIP ofc since I still got the design for the last two guardians

Finished the WIP sketch designs for the guardians, took a while to get the last 2 designs that I liked. Working on finalizing it now.…

My Sonic.exe retake redesign cast, more info on them will come soon!

My retake combines elements of the Og Sonic.exe, Blue Pendrive, Sonic Chinelin, Lord X, and All-Father.


Guess which is game is back from Hiatus!!!

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Working redesigning my Sonic.exe retake as well as designing his victims. This is a WIP with Genesis being done.

Also, I planned on making the guardians as well, tho they are going to be completely different.

Rat Race Production Update

Building going Under Construction (Again)

New office WIP