2 months ago

So, who's next? Last chance of choosing the Re-Clone Sticker as next.

Chibi Dr. Golden “Prepare-Up!” or Chibi Luigi "Superstellar-Up!”

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Chibi Silent the Crying Girl & Chibi Salvage Sonic "Gory-Up!" ~ Re-Clone Sticker

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #NFaS #HushNHustle #Horror #Sticker #Fanart #Art

Entertainer's Grind Shoes ~ New Feature & Look Update

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #EntertainEntrapment #Horror #Design #Art

Well, there has been a change in the appearance of Sonic "Tune-Up!"

Does that mean the rest will get the change/update too?

~ Mario "Tune-Up!" , Yoshi "Tune-Up!", Tails "Tune-Up!" ~

Who's also excited for the new Mario & Luigi game?! #GJAsks

Fun Fact: While Fierce Forces is mostly based from Sonic Forces: Characters, Factions. Spoiler Alert: "The Crescent Sun is not falling from the sky beyond, but corrupts the time, aurora and so on!" Intention for the Actual Reality and vision in a fangame.

The True meaning of "Tune-Up!" and "Memorize-Up!" ~ Update "Entertainers' Top Hat Ornament"

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #EntertainEntrapment #Horror #Design #Art