1 month ago
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I figured out a way to get SRB2 scratch running decently on regular scratch when adding full acts. Demo 2 which will have GFZ act 1,2 and 3 will be out later this month!
Subscribe to my YouTube where I will do more updates on my projects: https://youtube.com/@sonic_the_-hedgehog Also Sonic robot blast 2 on scratch demo is releasing tomorrow! I have made quite a bit of progress since last time #sonic #fangame #scratch #game
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
SONIC 1 SCRATCHED (WIP) IS OUT NOW!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/867537940/
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
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