Turbowarp Scratch 3D Engine (TS3D)

2 years ago

Sooo, I restarted my 3d engine from scratch ... again... (playable in browser)

This engine is partly more advanced while also in other parts not even close to v2

v3 Controls:

WS = direction of camera

A/D = sideways

SHIFT = down

SPACE = up

Mouse cursor to look around, I've locked the rotation at 90/-90° to make it less confusing

Full camera rotation on all axis is fully working tho.

I wanted to continue with version 2, but v2 has 1 fatal flaw when it comes to my future plans.

It uses clones. I wanted to add spritesacking weapons to v2, but if I'd do that with clones,

I'd need like a hundred of them : P

v3 doesn't use a single clone, everything that's visible onscreen is stamped by 1 sprite.

Also, everything is listbased and I barely used any code of @thegreenflash 's tutorials.

The code is even cleaner and more optimized then in v2.

I've been working on building some really useful tools and I'm planning to add way more in the future :D

Every custom block, list and variable has been marked with an emoji that tells if it is a :

- ⚙️ = Core System

- 🔧 = Tool

- 🎨 = Rendering

- ⏱ = Tick (order of frame stuff)

- 🔄 = New Frame

- 🔢 = Counter (just saving stuff in general)

- ⚛️ = Setup (start of project)

- 🟢 = TheGreenFlash tutorial code



Next up

Christmas bamfyu vs normal bamfyu

Left: mine Right: reference

I've just finished a drawing (paper and pencil) for my art class (high school).

I added Saturn. It laggs when recording but without recording I didn't have any laggs. I hope I'll find some other performance fixes in the future.

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

I completely remade saturn (to save performance, add shadow and generally better graphics).

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at

NEW UPDATE!!! A fully working SKYBOX with moving SUN and LENSEFLARE!!!! (playable in browser) :D

Let me cook...

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more:

I've been working on some sprite stacking code for my 3d engine. The textures are placeholder, the code works really well though. I hope this can help people.