Chica's Party World: REBAKED

6 days ago

Sorry about the wait in getting this update out! Since it was late last night, I decided to push it back just a bit.
But we're here now, so lets talk about what's been done!


As seen by our clearly masterful gif, we've been hard at work!

In all seriousness though, Coraline is almost fully coded! All that's left is making her a secondary jumpscare (one will be used for her usual effects, the other is for a proper kill screen), and the small bit of the movement change that coincides with Chica, we'll get there once we code her!
This means that her movement, disorienting effects, killing jumpscare, and way to ward her off are all finished up.
As well as Squeaks working on the controller support in tandem with what's being implemented!

All that's left of the main night section now AI wise is Chica, and likely doing an AI overhaul with Silver Chicken in tandem with some critique we've received about her attack patterns/method.
Then we'll move on to doing more lighting touchups, less temporary sound design, and hopefully full night progression!

In addition to that, all of the high poly character models have been finished, and 2 easter egg models have been finished as well! I've been riding a big motivational boost lately, so thankfully I've been able to get a LOT done in just the past few days.
I will be showing off the high poly models here in due time, but if you'd like to see them early, I have been posting progress on my Twitter, as well as other cool behind the scenes stuff!

We also fixed up a few bugs we found while testing, namely one with Silver Chicken breaking the camera angle if you happened to try and turn while she ends her flashed animation. Always good to fix bugs as you go when you find them!
(And also the uh... lovely effect you see above from one of Coraline's disorientations is fixed too. Much slower now!)

Though I can't guarantee anything, we're most likely looking at this game releasing before next year. Exciting if it works out! (Maybe we'll be able to release on my birthday again...)

Take it with a grain of salt though! You never know what could happen, but rest assured that we are working hard!
Take care :)




Next up

In other news, since someone on our previous post asked about controller support! (Squeaks is a madman)

Last up (for now?) on our model showcase is Security! #fnaf

Hi guys! I'm back from vacation, and have been getting a little more work done to get back in the groove! Here's a peak at the high-poly Russel model to celebrate :) #fnaf


#fnaf #fangame

We take game development very seriously. (for context, Squeaks was having some trouble with her code for a bit. fixed now!) on an ACTUAL serious note though, progress update later today! -

"The Synthesis"

As promised, the Russel Redbear showcase is up next! How would you guys feel about an office redesign reveal next? :) -Rose #fnaf

Would you guys like to do another Q & A session soon? (Or even here on this post!) I figure its only fair to keep you guys tided over while you wait on new updates. -

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