Star Story
9 years ago

Star Story a new space RPG

Meet Wendicka Lovejoy and her surrograte sister Crystal McLeen when they are about to graduate on M.E.T.E.O.R. academy. However a horrible accident nearly killed Crystal and left Wendicka shocked. Both girls gave up their ambitions after that and Wendicka became an engineer at space station Excalibur and Crystal became a barmaid in the canteen of the same space station. It was a good life until an android takes the girls away because the station is invaded by cyborgs from unknown origin. That is the start of a big space adventure.

Star Story is basically an RPG with the elements of a JRPG, but with in a universe inpired by several famous scifi series. Despite all that the game has it’s own unique storyline and strong characters.

My current plan in development is as follows. I’ll first make the first part of the game up until the point where you’ll get a spaceship of your own (well sort of). Contrary to Dyrt I will not release per chapter, but I will after that develop the game completely before the beta and final release.

The game is still in a very early stage of development (I didn’t even yet script the combat part, of which it’s very likely I will use the same time based environment I used for Dyrt). Also my graphics designer ran away. Now I am quite able with pixel art programs myself and by “cannibalizing” some sprites made for Dyrt I can manage on my own, but due to all this, development will take significantly longer. Still I will post some news here, whenever I can.

In order not to spam I will only post here when I got something significant to tell you, however if you want to keep an eye on every single action I perform, you can click here for my live worklog, in which I post nearly aways after I did something and I’m not afraid to post my embarrasing blundering whenever that happens either, so that log is pretty honest. I’ll try to keep my language “clean” there, but be warned that I’m not always succesful :)

Well, in order to give you a little sneak peak, this in Wendicka Lovejoy, the main protagonist of the story.


Well I hope you will enjoy the game as much as I will. So hang on, and I’ll keep you updated. :)



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