Never thought it would really happen, but now it is: the trello board is getting empty. That means Path of Adventure is getting close to release! I’m guessing this will be the last update before the final release.
So what’s changed?
I thought a text-based game really deserves a better story than what was there. So I expanded the backstory a bit and integrated it more into the game. Certain events, like the boss fights, have a reason for why they happen and push the story forward. There’s also a little side quest that involves collecting certain items granting a great reward at the end.
Playable characters
With the basics added in the previous update, I’ve added the remaining parts needed to play the game with different characters. Characters bring their own starting stats and a unique item: a magical ring that grants a great power. Upon completing the game the next character is unlocked. This way I hope the game offers greater replayability.
Yes. I want to at least try to make some money out of this whole endeavor, which is taking almost 7 months now. I don’t expect it to make me rich, but how awesome would it be to be able to make a sequel? I’m already overflowing with ideas! So, the monetization. It’s going to be a free2play game with only a couple of microtransactions:
In the character menu you can choose to unlock a character for $1,99
When you die, Death is friendly enough to offer you another chance; for $0.99
The prices are really just an idea and I’m keen to hear what people think of them. So please share your thoughts!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the game. If you have a thought about any of the updates, feel free to leave a message.