Lina's AppleTree Babies

18 days ago

Stumpson Day11 outside

His also getting bigger but the leafs seem to be smaller



Next up

I think I just figured out that I really wanna make more outfit designs ^^"

That's why I'm redesigning Jessy Mils and am now Designing a Dress for Marliria Tsuru ^^"

I'm Probably gonna leave them as designs tho ^^" and maybe a bit of practice lul

See a lot more clothes then before ^^" uhm so the OG design had a skirt, the new one had pants, but I liked the skirt more ^^" + the idea of her is to be a Smexy Betch

I do feel like I have to work on the drawing a bit more. But for now it seems okay ^^"

ArtFight Braasky Kroenxy by @KivBunny

Every time I look at this again I think "Oh I could have done this and that to make the shading better,, but uh no.. I did those things and it didn't work. Still turned out pretty good in my opinion ^^


don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

so much water lately, I hope you like it

Again posting the #background first before the actual drawing so everyone can appreciate it ^^

I must say I like both versions, even so one is less colorful and more like the Reference picture

#Water #Pond #Trees

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

My plant babies UwU

all looking good other then pot 4....

So! I repoted them into smaler pots with the correct dirt in it since the dirt that was in that pot before was dirt nothing extra in it other then air stuff for plants

100% not for my Trees

#GJAsks What Game Would You Like To See Remade?

Uhh Idk lul #SonicUnleashed maybe? WAIT NO!! #Tattletail!! legit just because I want more Tattletail contend and feel like a Remake would work great for the game ^^

New hydrangea pattern for a couple of my shops.

Speaking plainly, this didn't end with the look I originally intended for it, but I'll just keep doing my best as I go along, continuing to learn. All I can do, really!

: Krita

Gotta upload them before I forgot again

Sorry was busy watching sonic prime ^^"

More info be added if remember to tomorrow