
4 years ago

Super Culbot listo para avanzar!

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Vamos a lanzar fuego...

Esperen al 2020!!!


Esta semana mejoramos un poco el mapa general, y agregamos algunos movimientos al personaje. Como siempre, toda crítica y/o sugerencia, será bien recibida!!!

We are under attack!

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!

An infected room from the second part of Cybel ! Are you up for some cleansing?

Some Shadow boss fight gameplay 👾

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog:

Only true badasses may pass! #conceptart #art #gamedesign

Super Sonic Pixel art.