
1 year ago

Super Excited!. . .and a lil Embarrassed by how much I had to fix

Here's a list of all the Fixes >w< and Cool stuff I'm adding in the new Update so far

Changed the Vindit Boss fight a little

Added "Skip" text on the dialogue box

Made most of the dialogue is skippable (if ya wanna skip to just the gameplay)

Edited some of the cutscenes and added new scenes

The environment changes during the Vindit boss fight

Briar no longer magically glides when holding the down key mid air

The Dazzle Boss fight is even Harder with new attacks and a grapple animation

New Hidden Character

fixed some global Values, so you don't randomly appear in a different location upon reaching another level

Made you only have to dodge 3 dodgeballs in benny's minigame

9 different animations depending on where Briar gets hit by a dodgeball

New Wall climbing mechanic

Kelby has more animations including a walking animation, and 2 grapple animations, and he's beatable

alternate Death animation for the Frog boss depending on "certain events"

Making tons of Original Music

Rat enemy has a Redesign and new moves

the breakable platforms in the swamp have a way slower breaking animation

changed the jump button to the UP key instead of the shift key

added extras to Dazzles Level

Made the X key for QTE Sequences and for Grapple Escapes instead of the Shift key

Dazzle has new dialogue in the tutorial level

edited the volume in cutscenes

removed the Healing Jellies in the Vindit boss fight ( they were being a major pain to program so I scrapped them)

Changed how the light from your lantern looks

fixed the scary area in the snow level

scaled down the giant wolf in the snow level

added some invisible walls for out-of-bound areas

Changed the Bosses Nameplates to look cool instead of just boring plain text

There's still a lot more surprises that I won't reveal to you, hee hee best of luck finding them mydudes

some Animation errors, they're barely noticeable, but I'm a perfectionist -w-



Next up

She's small, but Fierce!

protect your ankles at all cost :O

Had a pretty wholesome dream last night. I was in the forest teaching an A.I girl how to build a Fire, and explaining the wholesome things people do around a campfire, it was very cute

Really Excited with how the Updates coming so far! The final level will be extended having you and Jeremy work together to progress further :3

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Hooray! I have the motivation to animate again!

thanks to this new animation software I found the other night. hand drawn frame by frame animation looks good, but it just takes too long, So! I'm really excited to give puppet animation a try :3

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Whew! this new Cutscene might get over 2000 Frames :O

Uh oh. . .

This new Youtube video is gonna be crazy

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at

oh She's Beautiful, just received this in the mail yesterday, if I can get good enough at it, it just might be in Briar's soundtrack :3