Underwater Wonder's Reborn
6 days ago

Support the original creator's YouTube channel, believe me, you won't regret it at all. https://www.youtube.com/@thewanderer055

This trailer is nostalgic, right? Well, here it is haha, should I clarify something, the original creator did it, don't think that it was me or someone from the team, I'm only sharing it because it's part of the game, yes, as you hear it, this teaser trailer has aged well. and it is canon full stop, even so more content will be released I only share it because as I said support the original creator in various ways such as subscribing or commenting on something good



Next up

In the end spinoff the character that we will control is none other than Ana and believe me the voice actress is more than happy about that haha ​​anyway with you Ana and her debut in the lore of Benny's Lucid Dream

I'm very bored and I haven't finished Benny's 2 or its spinoff so I'm going to make a TRTF haha ​​because I'm so bored XD

the eyes of a monster that saw everything

Balloon Boy redesign complete!

Devlog #5

great game progress and new updates

That's a nice argument you have there it'd be a shame if you had low power...

YouTube version: https://youtu.be/YhXFN2UH-7Y

hey how are you my friends I'm making more and more models you'll see what it is for

Benny's Lucid Dream is in the programming process but it must be stopped for reasons, be careful it is not pausing if it is not delayed XD

already finishing up foxy

The official game page is now available for all of you