Why have we been off-the-grid lately?
We are currently in the ProCess of performing several analyses
(not "Anne-a-lie-zizz",
and also alpha-tests, of PowerPoint's "Slide-Zoom"- and "Embedded-Presentation"-capabilities, as we work to discover exactly how far we can push these features before the program conks-out on us.
So far, all signs are very promising, as no corruption has yet occurred in any of the three in-ProGress sub-game-engines we've begun-to-build!
But what are these three sub-engines, and how will they make-up-for our absence when completed?
1. The first sub-engine is a "House-Builder". It's an interior-design-platform that, once completed, will let you plan-out, and save, the arrangement of your "perfect room". The final version will even let you daisy-chain multiple rooms together to build larger, more-complex interiors.
2. The second sub-engine that we're constructing is a "Furniture-Placer", which will let you arrange grounded-, mounted-, and hanging-furniture anywhere throughout the homes or buildings created-via the former tool we mentioned.
3. Finally, the third sub-game-engine being actively-developed by "JadeJohnson Games™" at the moment, is a "Map-Editor". This utility will let you set the proximities of your created-interiors, both to-one-another, and also, to other elements on a map, with the latter's scope and placement-grid cell-size still up-in-the-air.
That's not all though:
All three of these contrivances; the House-Builder, the Furniture-Placer, and the Map-Editor; will come together to form the ultimate defender of the universe, "Voltron"! Er — uh-a — or rather, "Entity Expedition: Extent Of The Environment™": a new game we're working on, in which players will be in-charge-of creating their perfect dream-island, which can be crafted entirely by said users, and whose final version will feature tons of interactions that will all be entirely-editable, even while the game is running in real-time!
So now that you finally know why we've seemingly-fallen off the grid, we hope you can appreciate the amount of time and research that we're putting into the development of this ProDuct, and we hope you can bear-with-us a-while-longer, so that we can deliver an experience that we promise, shall change PowerPoint-gaming, forever, and, ever!
Thank you for your time, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"
Postscript: Does this game's title and content sound familiar to any of you "Nintendo®"-fans out there?