Squires Rise (archived)
2 years ago

The beta for Squires rise will be out on November 30th! Its still in development, let me know your feed back when you play it!



Next up


Finished the tank class today let's just say if you choose it...

...You better like pots.....

unrelated sketches

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Made the first two classes and Implemented the battle engine I made.

On active development.

Real quick, I did this with my phone that's why the photos are janky.

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

I created a movement engine that is now in game, and ahs paths, the bakery, flora, and collision so you cant go through certain stuff. I also added Z as the main interaction key. Spoon lord is a place holder and will be changed Steve later.

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

added the cut scene after the tutorial, and then leads to the movement engine. There's a small glitch but is planed to be fixed in the future.