Star Story
9 years ago

The BETA has been released

Alright, the Beta of the Star Story demo has been released.
It is not (and will not be) hosted here on GameJolt, the stable release of the demo WILL be released here on GameJolt!

You can download it from this beta repository in stead!

Also do not report bugs or spelling errors or whatever issue you find here on this page or any other GameJolt page for that matter, but use my issue tracker in stead!

  • Why is the beta not hosted on GameJolt

    1. Though I expect most bugs to be fixed already (if I wasn’t convinced of that I wouldn’t call this a beta), I do expect a few to still pop up. The beta version will need to be updated at every bug found. With the complicated setup (and not exactly stable either) GameJolt has, this will be a time eating process and would work counterproductive. With GitHub I only need to call one single script and poof, everything is uploaded (well it needs a little more time than that, but you get the picture).

    2. I also don’t want people who did not bother to READ the file’s proper description to think this is a bad game because of bugs.

  • Does the beta support the GameJolt API?

    1. Yes!

  • Can I be a full beta tester?

    1. Anybody who can read this message can. All you need is to download the beta version.

    2. Oh yeah, you need an unpacker supporting 7z to unpack the beta versions.

    3. Git tools are not required, you can download the files from the repository click the file and click “full full file”.

  • When will the “Stable Release” be done here on GameJolt?

    1. I can’t answer that straight away. But I want to wait one week at least meaning that the game will very likely NOT be released before Friday Nov 13th, noon (CET).

    2. But how much time after that set time the game will take will really depend on how much bugs and other issues come along the way during the beta. And then it will also depend on how serious and complicated these bugs are.

    3. By the way, I really hope that Friday the 13th as “possible” release date is not a bad omen :)

  • You speak of a “demo”. Does that mean the full version is paid?

    1. No!

    2. The full version will be free too. The demo is only meant to demonstrate the game up to a certain point, so you can see what I am doing while I am working on the full game.

  • Any idea when we can expect the full game?

    1. The only way to find out now, is by buying yourself a crystal ball. All I can say is: It’s done when it’s done. The engine and tools I need are (nearly) all ready now, so I can directly focus myself on the content, but aside from that, I cannot estimate any required time at all. I also found myself some new work outside from gaming, which is good, but which also provides me less time to work on the game. I will do everything I can to get this finished, but I will NOT rush it. ;)

If you have any questions I did not yet cover, ask them below. If you have tested the beta and come to bugs and other issues please report them in my issue tracker

Hold on, the demo is on the way. Try the beta if you like, and I hope to announce the stable release soon!



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Beta has been released

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