Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Surreal Show-off!" [Hiatus]

10 hours ago

The DJ's Reappearance ~ New look preview

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #SurrealShowoff #Horror #Fangame #ArtWork #Art

Those who read the "What If?" prototype fancomic will get the gist of this reference.

Okay, DJ Stellar Espio addresses Silent (the Protagonist) like this.

In this form, he's not a Ninja, but a DJ. Although, he still has the ability to sneak
and camouflage himself in the surroundings.
Also, the new elemental power of DJ Stellar Espio is: Galaxy (Cosmic)

Fun Fact: He's also impressed with Silent, because she has the ability to quietly
sneak up and literally disappear before the eyes, when no one is looking.

(Yes, this is also a reference to the initial pages of the prototype.)

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Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

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