Project Kickstarter
8 months ago

The game is canceled.

Too much of my focus is on Hidden Spirits right now, and I don't see any point in continuing work on this.


This game isn't going to be abandoned. Instead it'll be... recycled. ;)



Next up

Trophies are now implemented :)


Decided to see what random events would look/sound like in level 0. What do you guys think? (the event shown here are sounds of a room full of people coming from no where)


Decided to see what random events would look/sound like in level 0. What do you guys think? (the event shown here is one where the humming just stops altogether for a random period of time)

No-clipping mechanic

Just a regular development screenshot. Nothing to see here.

Patch Notes:

- Added pre-alpha/alpha 1 accurate item bobbing

- Fixed various inventory bugs for the player character

- Added base materials for easier material creation

Predator/prey AI concept

WIP title screen "play" animation

Added an actual shadow for the player. Now you won't be just an invisible ghost messing with Ted Peterson.