The Gatekeeper

4 months ago

The Gatekeeper - Devlog 1

Devlog 1 - Happy Halloween!

In celebration of the spookiest day of the year, I’m here to announce a game I’ve been working on since August of this year: The Gatekeeper.

I'm genuinely so very excited to finally get to talk about this game. I've been wanting to announce this for a very long time now, but I knew I should probably wait before I say anything about it so I had a better idea of what this was going to be.

I know what y'all are thinking. "Freak, why are you making a FNaF-inspired game?"

Why not?

So, what is The Gatekeeper?

The Gatekeeper is a game that takes place in Creator's Grave, a ghost containment facility. You take the role of the Gatekeeper, who was hired to make sure that none of the ghosts escape. You might have convinced yourself that ghosts aren't real, and that they can't hurt you. Unfortunately, these ghosts are very, very real... but can they actually hurt you?

Yes, yes they can.

What are the main priorities for November?

The main priorities for development next month include:

  • Camera views and office mechanics

  • Proper (non-placeholder) menu graphics

  • Character sprites

  • Base mechanic code

  • Voiceline and cutscene drafting

The Gatekeeper is still early in development, but I'm super excited to share this with all of you and finally get production off the ground.

If there is something about the game you would like revealed in November, feel free to let us know! We can always add new things to the poll!

If you have a suggestion for the game feel free to let me know. I'm especially open to constructive criticism : )

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Pre-Demo V1.0.0

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Next up

Fan art of Jonlanty from Animator's Hell (by @GestaltGames )!

Another fun one, my favourite part had to be drawing the hands poking out of his chest.

Guess who?


As you wish. Here are the designs for Camera 5 and Camera 12. Any guesses as to what their purpose is?

Rat Race Production Update

Placeholders for Character 1. Maybe later this month will bring more...

Where might this be from, I wonder?


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!