JadeCon™: JadeJohnson Industries Gaming-News, Music, Development-Tutorials, Animations, Film, TV, And Tons Of Freebies
10 months ago

The Tale Of Jade - Cry Of The Country - Official JadeJohnson Games Logo And Opening Gameplay Reveal:


So I was working on planning out the story and gameplay for my new title: "The Tale Of Jade: Cry Of The Country".

I didn't ever get to the story-part, but I did come up with the most epic gameplay-schematic!

"The Tale Of Jade: Cry Of The Country" is going to be a full-3D, open-world, interdimensionally-traversable adventure-game, built to an even larger scale than

[ The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom.

Unlike how there are only three stacked maps in Zelda, The Tale Of Jade'll feature eight interconnected dimensions, all in a single world:

The Vivisphere:

Where all life thrives from birth.

The Almasphere:

Where ghosts and those in spiritual limbo go to carry-out their final missions before crossing over.

The Mortisphere:

Where the body of any-one or -thing dead, or in irreversibly-dying condition, withers away.

The Transcendisphere.

Where God and The Angels reside.

The Devisphere:

Where the devil and his demonic army exist.

The Electrosphere:

In which all digital entities are displayed and-or run their code.

The Remisphere:

In which all memories from the vivisphere are stored, and from whence they're recalled.

The Imagisphere:

Where all fictional entities are housed.


The Interisphere:

Which only allows access for as long as entrants keep moving without staying still or stepping anywhere twice.

Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it? But hey: anything harmless and legal is totes worth it for our Jaders!

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Game Jolt's player's buggy! The original's not studdery at all!


"Just a little animation that shows where I'd love to take some of my 3D-games in the future. And heck-to-the-no, definitely not O'-Six where, so you're totally safe there!"

The sixteen-bit iKuma SARI Slide-Show-Gaming Console was supposed to receive a Vocal-Synthesis-Support-Update before the end of its lifespan, but said feature was cancelled at the last minute, because... well... just listen to this!

Although the result-screens still haven't yet been added-in, you can already see how well "JadeOme™" is starting to come-together! We're really excited to get this title out to all of you, now that we know that we are in-fact able to do so!

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 6

the behavior

Gentleladies and gentlemen, it's finally here, and its official Game Jolt page will launch in the coming weeks! It's the world's first-ever, PowerPoint Full-Motion-Video-Game-Engine, titled, "HitColour™"!

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 3


An unnamed wolfy girl for today! Have art I started today so no drawings, but still really proud of this!

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 2