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Hello everybody! I got up very early yesterday, to complete AWWJ1. The night 8 and the two secrets nights took me many hours to beat. Anyways for congratulations, here is my another fanart!
AWWJ Easter Eggs Collection & Ways to Find them (I did it!)
"The Javier Week" AWWJ Javier Fanart (Drawn in 8 hours)
You'd better read the article XD Ready, to show you a surprise!
A Week with Javier Fan-made Little Comic (Full, Total 3 pages):
"202 3 Went Over And Friendship Forever"
Rat Race Production Update
The Android version of Escape From Treasure Island now release!
I released a review video of the Classic Edition of Five Nights at Arias on YouTube. Wish you enjoy this! :D
I also review it in the comments XD
Go check if you want!
Jolly2 V1.0.7 The Odd Ones Out challenge Completed!
Only 5/20 left…
I think I can't beat it this time lol