As a huge reward for reaching the $2,300 milestone on the DaVonify charity stream, we wanted to share a new teaser for the main game along with behind the scenes screenshots of the work behind Prologue! Special thanks to Vonii for letting us on for the event.
The Fazbear Facility: Prologue
Behind the Scenes:
Opening Cutscene Unrendered

Early stages of the facility entrance being made:

Scrapped version of Channel 1:

Early concept of Channel 2:

Placeholder icons during the development of Prologue:

Coders having some fun with active objects and placeholders:

First versions of the main menu:

Prologue took a decent amount of time to complete, more than anticipated, but now that it's released it's been very refreshing seeing all the excitement and amazing reactions we've gotten so far. I want to thank everyone for the awesome first week of demo's release. Can't wait to reveal more stuff on the main game soon, all I'll say for now, is that everything you've seen in prologue is only a crumb of what's to come... ;)