It's a Cube
2 years ago

This is a double-changelog listing all major changes since version 1.2.1 because I didn't post a changelog article for version 1.3 and released 1.4 on November 3rd. I have no excuse for this, I'll just directly say it. I'm sorry.

What's changed since 1.2.1 (see Changelog.txt in either or both downloads for more details):

- Added a point light that changes color with the ground.

- Modified the ground materials to be a bit easier to look at

- Added a tutorial page that's accessible from the main menu

- Other technical improvements as always



Next up

Today I added a glimmer effect on the ground that plays when you score! I think it looks really nice and I wanted to share!

My next project! It's still in the early stages of development, but I have a tech demo available for download.

Many Improvements to the main menu, and I added a floor texture and improved the level behind the cube!

Yesterday, I hand-drew some art for the recipe book in Alchemisery!

This is the first time I've done pixel art in a pencil-drawn style and honestly looking at this is making me want to do an entire 2D game in this art style!

I built a giant underground fish tank in my Minecraft world! I managed to get two glow squids in there, a puffer fish, and a variety of tropical fish!

I'm working on a main menu now! I think it's coming along quite nicely so far. Oh and I've also improved the model for the cube as well.

I updated the algorithm that handles the timer gradually decreasing as the game progresses! Before, it would decrease by 1 second when the player scored certain amounts, but now it gradually decreases according to a multiplier each round.

I'm working on adding in-game achievements for It's a Cube that correspond to the Game Jolt trophies. I also plan to make versions of the in-game art for these to use as trophy icons for the game's page on Game Jolt eventually.

One of the things you can craft in Alchemisery is an explosive. The item sprite has a warning label over it so I decided to make a 3D version of it appear on the combine tool's output bottle when you craft the explosive for attention to detail!

I'm working on adding full controller support to It's a Cube! I'm also taking the time to update the art for the in-game tutorial page, I'm planning to add a tab for controller too. In the meantime, how does the keyboard tutorial look?