So, you want to know about my job, right? Well, it's pretty interesting. I write books about different things. Maybe I will write about you.
Mrs. Breadberry, about her job
Name: Berta
Surname: Breadberry
Status: Alive
Mom (by Cressida)
My succubus (by Kris)
Age: 42 years (in Cambion)
50+ years (in Cambion: New Generation)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Likes: Her family, mystical things, peonies, cats, her job
Dislikes: Loneliness, crows, when her job becomes too messy
Mrs. Breadberry writes books about different things - from rituals and magic to her life with her husband Kris. She met Kris accidentally when she and her friends tried to summon one creature named [REDACTED]. Summoning failed, and instead of [REDACTED], Kris was summoned. Well, Berta wasn't upset after that. She fell in love with Kris, and... well, 7 years later Cressida was born.
When Cressida was 10, Kris disappeared, and Mrs. Breadberry became depressed. She tries to give to her daughter as much love as she can. The only things that give her reason to live are Cressida and her job - writing books.
Mrs. Breadberry understands that Cressida is unique girl, so she tries to keep her safe. But when Cressida decided to travel with Jonathan, Berta trusted him.
Fun facts!
Her surname (Breadberry) was inspired by Ray Douglas Bradbury, the famous American writer.
Also, Berta can be compared with Stephen King who also was the famous American writer.
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