Time to Morp

5 months ago

Time to Morp underwent a thrilling playtest, with Decor Update v0.11!

We've been toiling away behind the scenes, sculpting and refining our Morp world to perfection. Recently, we called upon our incredible community to dive into the Morpiverse and put our latest features to the test in a thrilling playtest! 

What Went Down in the Playtest?

Our morptastic community stepped up to the challenge, exploring the boundless possibilities we've been cooking up for Time to Morp. Our wonderful community has tested the following features:

Steam Multiplayer Magic - friends make everything better! The introduction of Steam multiplayer support allowed Morpers to connect seamlessly and embark on collaborative adventures


170 New Decor Items - the addition of new decor items allowed players to transform their buildings into true masterpieces


Resource Gathering From Rocks and Logs - players could gather resources from logs and rocks, adding a new layer of depth to experience


Additional Contribution

Bug Reports - attentive morphers not only delighted in the game's new content but also reported any bugs they encountered on our Discord Server Forum, assisting us in improving Time to Morp


Our Discord Server was a fantastic gathering place for our community during this playtest, we engaged in lively discussions, collected valuable feedback, addressed player inquiries, and simply had a great time together! Overall, players had fun with our game, they:

  • Shared screenshots of finished demo


If you want to see more of this Time to Morp related contend, keep an eye on our Discord Server. You can also join for more updates, sneak peeks, and announcements as we march towards the grand Early Access launch and don’t forget to wishlist Time to Morp on Steam.

#Playtest #Adventure #ColonySim #Simulation #Multiplayer #Singleplayer #Builder #Automation #ColonySim #BaseBuilding #Casual #ProceduralGeneration #Programming #Simulation #ResourceManagement #Moddable #FamilyFriendly #CreatureCollector #Management #Nature #Funny #Cartoony #Colorful #Building #RPG #Scifi #Strategy #Cute #Other



Next up

Big patch v0.14 is finally live for you to try out all the fun stuff we've added to Time to Morp! New Morp, Map Generation, New Tech and lot's of other fixes!

Сheck out patch notes down below⬇…

We have decided to revise current Time to Morp roadmap with a new one that better suits the current state of the game based on players' feedback, check it out:…

Just another day in Bead Morp's life! Lots of grind making resources, but not without some cozy snuggles with Intern at the end of the day❤️

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at

If in your game you have a research tree with a lot of information and unlockable items, it might be a good idea to add a search bar. This would help players have a better time finding what they're looking for💥And we added it to our game!

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more:

Don't steal my Morp, or else be ready to run marathon🏁

Ensure your plants are always watered with fully automated Water Tech. Well-watered plants mean well-fed Morps, so don't overlook this essential feature🌱💧

🥳The Highrise Game Jam has begun! 🥳

The Highrise Game Jam is where creators come together to craft immersive 3D worlds using Highrise Studio! There are cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Learn the deets here:

We try to make biomes as distinct as we can by adding new rocks and mountains, pristine lakes, and new shiny power crystals to build around💧🪨