Cosmic Haiden Bonanza
Model-L1BR4 (Libra)
Age: 28
Height: 6' 5" ft
Star Colour: Light Blue
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Possessed by: Ewan Guinness (55)
Occupation: Laser Tag Arena Mascot and Head of Medical
Activates on: Monday (Benevolent)
Taser Hands - Built in tasers in hands, sometimes use to take down intruders and sometimes used for makeshift defibrillation.
Combat Database - Possesses a database of armed and unarmed combat techniques.
Medical Database - Can perform quick medical care such as splinting broken bones, administering epipens/insulin shots, stitching wounds and relocating dislocated joints. Also has numbers to contact emergency services.
Night Vision (slight)
Audio Activation - Can pick up on audio cues and has very sensitive "hearing".
Benevolent, he helps the guard out at night, he hates innocents being hurt due to the others hunts/games. With his husband in tow he makes sure to save as many innocent people as possible. He's this Au's "Phone Guy".
Ewan Yan Guinness
Died at: 55
Height: 5' 11" ft
Eye colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Red
Nationality: Scottish
Sexuality: Bisexual
Home: Montreal, Canada (previously Edinburgh, Scotland)
Died by: Unknown Intruder snuck into his home and shot him from behind.
Relationships: Morgan Guinness (Husband), Luke Chamberlin (Surrogate Son), Carrie Chamberlin (Surrogate Daughter), Amelia (Friend) and Chayanne (Friend).
Ewan was a combat medic in the army, where he met his husband Morgan who was working as a nurse. They married before they moved to Montreal, where Ewan joined the Police Academy.
Ewan would get involved in the incident at the original Lake's Funland but like others it was a cold case.
Ewan met Luke's father at a conference, Lawrence would go on to hire him as a consultant in the initial designs of the Cosmic Animatronics. Ewan happily accepted, not knowing he was merely being used for his knowledge as a cop.
Soon he would take on his last case, solving a series of mysterious deaths all tied to the GE Funland. Little did he know that it would be his last case, as someone decided he'd dug too deep and had him killed for it. Ewan woke up as Cosmic Haiden a few days after his death.
A year and a half later, another tragedy would result in his husband Morgan possessing one of the other animatronics of the cast, Cosmic Kaleo. Reunited at last the two now make sure no more innocents will die at the hands of the others.
Then Chayanne comes along, Ewan grows to like her as the week progresses and works to protect her from the others. Only to discover her special bond with Luke. Since then things are now a lot calmer... but there's more trouble on the horizon now that he's finally free to finish his case.
Ewan is very a parental and chill guy, though he's also incredibly sassy and sarcastic with a well hidden temper (the cold kind of rage). Ever since possessing Cosmic Haiden he's become more withdrawn, feeling guilt at the fact he helped design these things and that he doesn't take a more active approach in stopping the others from hurting people. Ewan also loves his husband very much, getting very protective of Morgan even when he possessed Cosmic Kaleo, though he hasn't yet forgiven the one who killed him (it was Luke, he didn't recognise Morgan since it had been a long time since he last saw him, Luke only realised what he'd done after Ewan attacked him in his grief and rage).
Luke fears and respects Ewan in equal measure and looks up to him as his surrogate parent, though their relationship has been rather rocky the past year or so (the beginning of the Au takes place in the Summer-Autumn of 2025 but the lore goes back way longer).
Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg
Redesign, Morgan (OC) by @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_
Galaxy's Edge Au by Me
(I'll try post two more of these redesigns today before I tap out for the night, don't worry, I'll be posting the rest of them this weekend. Along with some other things I've been working on.
Also, did you know that the GE Funland is built over the ruins of Lake's Funland? Why that is will be significant for the lore of this Au.)