LUKELCS spends his time collecting ideas of things to make and then being stress paralyzed because he wants to do all of them.

When he does manage to get himself to actually make stuff, he does art, music, game dev, basically anything and everything except for the things he doesn't do.

He's basically obsessed with fiction, and loves tragedy (almost too much).  That being said, he does not like a one-note story with no hope as much.  Yes, the world is cruel, but is it not also beautiful?  Even if only bitter-sweet?

Oh, I'm going on a tangent again.  Did I mention I- er- I mean HE does that a lot?  Yeah!

He spends a lot of time thinking out-loud too.

He's definitely an introvert, but he likes connecting with others when he gets the chance and is very empathetic.  He still likes to spend most of his time alone tho.  Making stuff, watching stuff, playing stuff.

He's often honest to a fault, although not to an extreme fault. (or so he tells himself)

Doesn't have an eldritch abomination in his closet, he doesn't even have a closet!

Interests include story-games, good anime, philosophical and existential art just- in general, playing fortnite with his dad, drawing, composing, making up stories of all kinds, both just for his own amusement, and to share with others as well.

Character permissions

Does he have legs?  Is he a mii?  Will nintendo copyright me for referencing their mii's?  These are questions you may have to answer for yourself (if nintendo doesn't answer the last one for us XD)

This literally represents me, so please don't make me do anything too bad.  I can be comically evil as a joke at times, but I always make sure people know I'm joking.

I happen to be straight, and while I'd rather you didn't make shipping art of my OC at all, if you must please at least maintain my sexuality.

Most of my OC's are under-sexualized, and the one that represents myself especially.

If you want to draw me with regular human colors, my skin is pale and my hair a dark blonde.  Eyes blue.  Yes, I'm bog-standard white dude lol.



Next up

‘Say hello, Moore’

“Hello Moore”

-my headcannon and you can’t change it, this guy is precious

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

Taking part in Art Fight? Got some attacks or characters to share?

Well, we've got the channel for you! Post your Art-Fight related content, here! ^.^

Roll for Initiative

Made a thing.

Be sure to put on headphones, and get ready for things to get loud. 🎧

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this lil dude into a Pokémon! Use the hashtag #minionmon to share your creation! Tag an artist in the comments to challenge them as well.

Btw does anyone have any good art exercises I could do to practice human anatomy and stuff? I'm trying to improve my fundamentals and I think something like that could really help ^.^

Also, lil teaser


Looks like there are some cool new Hegog themed Avatar Frames in my Creator Shop! There's also a sweet new Mushroom Background!

I appreciate any support!

This is just the first wave of Hegog themed collectibles, so keep your eyes peeled!

No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol