Tales Of Underlegends
2 years ago


Hey everyone, it's QSV again.

As I have finished a singular major part of the game, I have just realised that if I don't learn another language, unless I find someone to translate, this game will only be available in English, which is my primary language.

As far as I know, this is the case with many of the Undertale fangames out there, and some of them aren't even English at all! This tells me that multi-language support is important for players, as demonstrated by some other games that aren't even related to Undertale.

The original Undertale is officially available in English and Japanese... and while I may struggle to find people who can translate this game into Japanese, I can at least make a selection for those who wish to play the game outside of English countries.

It will be a while before all of the dialogue is finished, so translating the game will basically be the final step in finishing this off.

So what ones am I looking for? Well, none of them in particular from me, but I do know of some foreigners who struggle with English, even in a non-verbal post like this one. I'm not going to name names, but I will tell you that their primary languages are Russian, Spanish and German.

I'm looking to get as many languages as possible. At least 5.

"Oh but QSV, can't you just use Google Translate/DeepL Translator? Boom, problem solved!"

Well, yes, I could do, but I will have so much text to translate, and I don't want to rely on a system that isn't practically perfect.

If you want to volunteer, hit me up on Discord (QSV#4628), and I'll send you all the text when it's done, and I'll credit you majorly for taking on this absolutely ridiculous task.

It would be of great help for me if you could do this. Don't worry if you can't.

Alright, I'll see you on the other side.

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Next up

Progress update - 17/10/2021:

Been busy with IRL work, but I managed to get started on the Minigames. Oh yeah, did I mention that this game has MINIGAMES?

More details to be revealed soon. In the meantime, have some settings.

How would you register your excitement level for this game? Don't worry, your choice doesn't mean anything... or does it?

UPDATE - 23/08/2021:-

Got the first of many events working in the base game. Just don't eat too much pie.

Angry Sans progress

"how do you turn yellow in this game if you did genocide"


Almost done

Pardon the quality, American Sans shot my camera

It's coming...

Coming to V1.6

Working on another core feature in the game - Bios.