
2 years ago

Update 0.1.9

The first ever map i created for prophunt is available again with major touch-ups.

See Article for changes and additions

What's New

  • Remade the first ever map i created back in 2019, Valley night and day

  • New Water Material for Water Fall

  • Added Exploration mode

    allows you to freely explore the maps using a spectator pawn

What's Changed

  • Sliding door operation changed from automatic to manual

  • Added Fog to Bots Match and Training Level

  • Timer has changed to Minutes and Seconds Format instead of just Seconds

  • Lowered Resolution of landscape textures

  • Lowered Render Distance, intensity and attenuation of lights

  • Changed Main Menu Theme (colors)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the problem where the wrong team was awarded victory for timer rundown

  • Fixed an issue where clients would get the 'in game lobby' menu when preparing for next round

  • Fixed an issue where the 'in game lobby' menu would not display map name for host

*Sorry for taking so long.



Next up

This animal detection system was a pain to develop, but it's done now. So many failed attempts. In the end, I just reused the same system for perception trace in SuperliminalPSX.

Not the best system but it works.

Hunter AI is complete now.

The basic search, investigate and shoot functions work.

I'll make it better over time, adding newer search methods, checking if the player switches props etc

Read Article for more info :)

Fox with a big fish

Quick pixel art based on a bug in my project

A custom time control system for #UnrealEngine. Footage shows all time slowed down, then later only Enemy & Environment time slow being toggled.

Time can be categorized and put into a hierarchy for an unlimited level of control. #gamedev

Honey UI implementation into my Untitled project.

Some of the UI has been copied over from my other projects.

I am not that good with UI design, I'm just a programmer :P

Having fun debugging bullet impacts to dynamically change VFX and SFX based on the surface. 🎯💥

Turn on 🔊

#GameDev #UnrealEngine #IndieGameDev #LoboGame

Forgot to post this

Ice bear - We Bare Bears

Had this as my pfp for a few days

Dankpods' little Polish nugget

The Fiat Nikki otherwise known as TONY!!

the curtains of reality

Pixel DMC DeLorean