Disabled VR
Converted Training map into a streaming level (Now bots and multiplayer map share the level)
Moved Valley into streaming levels (Share Props and other dynamic actors)
Moved Cabin into streaming levels (Share Props only)
Capsule Collision Size changed for Props
Changed Default Colors of Crosshairs
Changed Textures in picture-frames to use my other project's images & my own artwork (includes Peguns character by @Vincent_M
New Weapon & Attachment images
Loadout Menu Changed
Disabled Crouch mid air
Mainmenu Character now holds the first weapon from the loadout with all the attachments
Render distance in Valley changed preventing pop ins
Fixed an issue where Jump animation would play when going from Crouched to Standing using Jump
Fixed an issue where you would need to press crouch twice to actually start crouching after (Crouch to Stand using Jump)
Fixed a Crash issue where changing into some props would crash the game (Seems to be passing null even though there's a check to see if it is valid before hand. I still don't know why it's even retrieving a null to begin with)
Fixed Hunter's Blindfold message duplicating on Server & not showing up on Clients
Fixed Save System, instead of each BP having individual references to save game, they reference the one in the Game Instance
Fixed Crosshair Color System (Now it actually saves & changes every crosshair's color)
Using interfaces/Interactions rather than Casting
Reduced media video quality
Footsteps Sound System in C++
Particles and Debris partially in C++
Check out Flyingkitty as well if you're into YTPs, That's where the TV media is from.