Hey all! This update is mostly just a patch update. If you encounter any further bugs, please let me know.
Added a sound effect that plays when you press the D key while reeling in a fish.
When reeling in trash, it no longer will be extremely easy to reel in, but it no longer will be able to be lost. As it does not move.
Changed the annoying sound effect that plays when Shaggy is under a box, but the animation is still there.
Added a giant sign above the doors to the FIXEDS telling you that you are going to enter the FIXEDS.
Made a new pillar sprite and put it in some random places.
Made a new moss sprite and put it in some random places.
Made a new log sprite and put it in some random places.
Made the water texture loop better.
Made Frisk fall 5 tiles longer in the intro sequence. Quite stunning, isn't it?
Clover's sprite inconsistencies with fishing should be fixed.
Removed the option that asks if you'd like to switch to fullscreen on startup.
Altered the battle theme (Pre-Mafia).
The new build is playable right now.