Star Story
8 years ago

Update 16.08.25

Update 16.08.25

Beta updated

  • Bug revealing debug information in the inventory screen fixed

  • Xenobi’s Breeze and Hurricane animated

  • Bug not awarding the achievement for all abilities ExHuRU fixed (If you already got them and you do not have the trophy, just execute his final move and you’ll get it anyway).

  • Science Facility - Room 007 battle screen now properly adepts to the unique setting of that room compared to the rest of the dungeon.

  • A faulty scenario beam-out animation fixed

  • Bug showing “ExHuRU needs -xxx kills” is fixed

And that should cover it for now I think.
The new uploads will appear any minute now. The current version should be 16.8.25-beta. Client users will of course get an automated update as soon as the uploading and processing is done.




Next up

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Killing only brings you so far!

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

Meet Berindo Yorno

Open alpha available on

Alpha status

Why do people wanna be a #moderator? Is it really such a #cooljob?

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Beta has been released

A demonstration video of the new game the way it's now