5 years ago

Update coming soon, sorry for the long wait i have been busy with examinations
here's what has been added
-Foliage now reacts to player movement
-newer house mesh
-newer props
-L.T.S gamemode
-3rd and 1st person view
+much more



Next up

Update 0.2.5

Added a Gameplay Modifier, Map changes and Fixed several Bugs

What gaming chair does this dude have??

Update on the hunter AI:

Some problems here & there but the overall AI is coming together pretty well

The problem shown in the clip has been fixed

Pixel DMC DeLorean

Hunter AI is complete now.

The basic search, investigate and shoot functions work.

I'll make it better over time, adding newer search methods, checking if the player switches props etc

Read Article for more info :)

Random ass moments | FH5

Some screenshots from the untitled game

Working on a gameplay modifier.

I need some suggestions

Edit: Changes & Editions

PropHunt now available for Linux. YAY! ヽ〳 ՞ ᗜ ՞ 〵ง Major thanks to @UberPolice for Requesting & Testing.

Another small Update!
