Alrighty so what's new since last week.
Well last week I stated that I had begun working on night 4 and usually it takes me about a week to complete each night, so I was expecting to go into this update by saying I had finished the 4th night, but this turned out not to be the case.
I had planned for night 4 to introduce a complicated and intricate and I'm keeping what I had said as the night is proving a tad tricky to translate in code form. As to where I'm at with it I would say just around halfway done. It will probably take me another day or 2 to finish the night and once that's done its off to night 5 which I already have the mechanic for mapped out in full along with the following custom night.
I don't know if I've already mentioned this in a previous post, but the game is coming along to be quite difficult, even with the night 4 mechanic not fully implemented it taking me quite a few tries to actually beat the night which is exactly what I want. Makes me excited to see what all max mode in custom night will be like. Of course, if you guys think the game is too unfair in its difficulty, I will have no problems in nerfing some of the mechanics.
I think that's all I had to say for this week's update, still gunning for an august release. Make sure to follow me or the game if you're interested in what I make so you can get notifications on when I make a new post or game release!!!
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