22 days ago

---Update on Rotting and me---

(Read article)

-Rotting is (sort of) on hold right now-

The only reason I say "sort of" on hold is because right now I am redesigning Tails look for the game, which means there wont be any new progress made until I finish this. I've already made the design but now must remake every sprite I already made for him, luckily I found an easier way to animate pixel art in Photoshop (I know I know, not the best program for animating) so hopefully you should see an improvement in Tails sprites and design.

(Here's a New vs Old design comparison)


-It's May-

It's May, Summer is coming soon, last month of school, non-stop exams, dark nights are upon us.

It's exam month for me so progress might slow down depending on how much I feel like studying, I'll of course try to work on Rotting as much as I can, but school's gotta come first.

1 comment


Next up

Yo, been a bit, working on what might be Rotting's most Iconic cutscene.

I am so burnt out rn

Just wanna snap my fingers and see this animation done

Walk cycles...I hate animating walk cycles...

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

It's officially May my dudes

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

Update on Tails new sprite sheet, it's coming along well, hoping to finish it around the beginning of Summer break.


(More content and details in article)

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

Tail's design update statis: I have just about finished all the in-game sprites. After that I'll have to import all of them into the game then update any HD dialogue arts that have Tails in them.

After that I can get back to where I left off on the game.